Δευτέρα 24 Οκτωβρίου 2016


1. Baudrillard Jean, Simulacra and Simulation, University of Michigan Press, Michigan, 1995 
2. Beckmann John, Virtual Dimension: Architecture, Representation, and Crash Culture, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 1998 
3. Benjamin Walter,The Arcades Project, Ed. Rolf Tiedemann, Belknap Press, New York, 2002 
4. Borries Friedrich von, Walz Steffen P., Bottger Matthias, Space Time Play. Computer games, Architecture and Urbanism:the Next Level, Birkauser, Basel,2007 
5. Braham, William W. , Hale,Jonathan A.,Rethinking Technology, A Reader in Architectural Theory, Routledge, New York,2007 
6. Branham Reyner, The Architecture of Well-temperes Environment, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1984 
7. Carpo Mario, Architecture in the Age of Printing. Orality, Writing, Typography, and Printed Images in the History of Architectural Theory, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London,2001 
8. Carpo Mario, The Alphabet and the Algorithm, The MIT Press,Massachusetts, 2011 
9. De Kerckhove Derrick, The architecture of intelligence,Birkhauser, Basel, 2001 
10. Gershenfeld Neil,When Things Start to Think, Henry Holt, New York, 1999 
11. IaN+, Digital Odyssey, A New Voyage in the Mediterranean,Birkhauser, Basel, 2003 
12. Jencks Charles, The Architecture of the Jumping Universe, Academy Editions Ltd., Singapore, 1997 
13. Kolarevic Branko, Architecture in the digital age, Design and Manufacturing, Spon Press, New York and London, 2003
14. Koolhaas Rem, Mau Bruce, S, M, L, XL, Monacelli Press, New York, 1995 
15. Leach Neil, Turnbull David, Williams Chris, Digital Tectonics, Willey-Academy, West Sussex, 2004 
16. Levy Pierre,Cyberculture, University of Minnesota Press,Minneapolis, 2001 
17. Lootsma Bart, Rijken Dick, Media and Architecture, VPRO,Amsterdam, 1998 
18. Lupton Ellen,Skin: Surface, Substance and Design, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2002 
19. Lynn, Greg,Animate Form, Princeton Architectural Press, New York,1999 
20. Lyotard J. François, The Inhuman: Reflections on Time, Stanford University Press, Stanford ,1991 
21. Manovich Lev,The language of new media, The MIT Press, Cambridge,MA, 2001 
22. McLuhan Marshal,The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man, Toronto,University of Toronto Press,1962 
23. McLuhan Marshall, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, The MIT Press, New York, 1994 
24. Mitchell William, E-topia “Urban life, Jim–but not as we know it”, The MIT Press, Cambridge,London, 1999 
25. Mitchell, William J., City of bits, The MIT Press, Cambridge MA,1995 
26. Oosterhuis Kas,Hyperbodies. Towards an E-motive architecture, Birkhauser, Basel, 2003 
27. Prestinenza P. Luigi,Hyperarchitecture, Spaces in the electronic age, Birkhauser, Basel, 1999 
28. Prigogine I., Stengers I., Order out of Chaos Man’s New Dialogue with Nature, Bantam Books, New York, 1984 
29. Rattenbury Kester, This is not architecture, Routledge, New York, 2002 
30. Spiller Neil, Digitaldreams. Architecture and the New Alchemic Technologies, Ellipsis, London, 1998 
31. Tschumi Bernard, Architecture and Disjunction, The MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1996
32. Venturi Robert, Brown Denise Scott, Izenour Steven, Learning from Las Vegas,The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1977 
33. Venturi Robert, Iconography and Electronics: Upon a Generic Architecture, The MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1996 
34. Virilio Paul, The Aesthetics of Disappearance, Semiotext(e), New York, 1991 
35. Wegenstein, Bernadette: Getting Under the Skin: The Body and Media Theory, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts/ London, 2006
36. Wiener Norbert, Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, The Technology Press, Cambridge, MA, 1948 
37. Virilio Paul, The Lost Dimension, Semiotext(e), New York, 1991

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